The project of U-WA-



001 namespace ConsoleApplication1
002 {
003     internal class Class1
004     {
005         // Methods
006         static Class1()
007         {
008               Class1.START = 2;
009               Class1.MAX = 10000;
010         }
011         public Class1()
012         {
013         }
014         private static bool CheckPrime(int Number)
015         {
016               foreach (int num1 in Class1.Primes)
017               {
018                     int num2 = Number / num1;
019                     if (Number == (num2 * num1))
020                     {
021                           return false;
022                     }
023               }
024               return true;
025         }
026         [STAThread]
027         private static void Main(string[] args)
028         {
029               Class1.Primes = new ArrayList();
030               for (int num1 = Class1.START; num1 < Class1.MAX; num1++)
031               {
032                     if (Class1.CheckPrime(num1))
033                     {
034                           Class1.SetPrime(num1);
035                           Class1.ShowData(num1.ToString());
036                     }
037               }
038         }
039         private static void SetPrime(int Number)
040         {
041               Class1.Primes.Add(Number);
042         }
043         private static void ShowData(string Number)
044         {
045               Console.Write(Number + ",");
046         }
047         // Fields
048         private static int MAX;
049         private static ArrayList Primes;
050         private static int START;
051     }
052 }

The project of U-WA-